Log on: https://my.safekiddo.com
To change access time of applications, select a child profile, then click on "Time management"
Set hours range during which child can use selected applications
You can set different time frames for each day of week.
In the end click "Save".
You can set different time frames for each day of week.
In the end click "Save".
In addition, you can set total time of using application.
Looking at screen bellow on Monday child has access to applications for 4 hours from 8:00 to 15:00.
On child's device, you can manage which applications should be limited be time.
Click on "SafeKiddo Settings" then "Manage access to the application"
We're working to allow you to control it from the Web panel.
Click on "SafeKiddo Settings" then "Manage access to the application"
- marked with a black clock are available in your chosen time interval from - to.
- marked gray clock are available in full-time - 24 hours
We're working to allow you to control it from the Web panel.
Time management access to applications is available only for devices with Android.